Tickets on Sale Now for Annual PLL Fundraiser Dinner at Device Brewing – Friday, May 12th

Join us for a fun-filled night Friday, May 12th, with great drinks and food to support the league. You don’t want to miss this event and your opportunity to bid on a bucket of baseballs — these buckets of baseballs have gone as high as $500! Let’s see how high we can go!! Come check […]
Chipotle Fundraiser Night March 7, 2022!

Mark your calendars for Monday, March 7th 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM for our annual Chipotle Fundraiser Event!! That’s right, you don’t have to worry about what’s for dinner on March 7th!!! 33% of the proceeds will go directly back to Pocket Little League!! Bring in the flyer linked below and mention Pocket Little League […]
Fundraiser Night at Device Brewing 5/21/21!

Dear PLL Families, We invite you to join us for a night of fun and building our community at Device Brewing! Support Pocket Little League and players while enjoying great food, fun company and drinks! Tickets to our Fundraising Night at Device Brewing Co. are on sale now!! Date: Friday, May 21 Time: 6:30 to 10:00 PM Location: […]
Pocket Little League Fundraising Night at Chipotle 3/1/2021

SAVE THE DATE: Monday, March 1, 2021 4PM to 8PM. Pocket Little League Fundraising Night at Chipotle at the Delta Shores location will be held on Monday, March 1 form 4 PM to 8 PM. This is a huge opportunity for our league to generate funds to help pay for baseball equipment, field maintenance, and […]
Fundraising Dinner Sunday March 31st at Urban Roots!
We would like to invite all parents, family, and friends of Pocket Little League to come on out and join us Sunday, March 31st at 5:00 p.m. for our annual Fundraising Dinner to help raise money to support our teams! This will be a fun night for the adults to get together and have a great time away […]
PLL Donates to Paradise LL Camp Fire Relief Fund

As we all know, the recent Camp Fire ravished the town of Paradise and surrounding areas. Many in our community have already reached out with thoughts, prayers, and donations to the families who have suffered through this horrific disaster. The people and leaders of Paradise have vowed to rebuild their town, and as members of Pocket […]
Chipotle Night Fundraiser December 17th!

Everyone loves Chipotle, but there’s only one thing that could possibly make their food taste even more delicious … When part of the proceeds from your dinner at Chipotle go to Pocket Little League, of course! That’s right, PLL is excited to team up with Chipotle to provide much needed funding for youth baseball in Sacramento and we want our whole community to […]